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Adult Christian Education Opportunities


Bible Study - early September 2024

Over the past few months I have had several requests to present an in-person Bible study series again. I think there are two elements to this emerging and growing need. First, it reflects the need for people to gather in-person again following the pandemic. Living virtually and in isolation can only be sustained for so long. We are in-person social creatures and virtual community is not a sufficient substitute.


Secondly, Christianity is playing a more visible role in American society as part of the culture wars which is waged with more intensity in the approach to the election. The prominence and increased influence of Christian Nationalism is one aspect which I think illustrates this trend.


We are all probably noticing that the Bible is quoted quite frequently lately and used, abused, and misused in a variety of ways in the process. Knowledge about and being informed on the basic tenets of our sacred text is therefore growing in importance. Much more important than being able to quote verses or chapters is an understanding about the nature of the literature and the contexts in which the collection of books were authored, edited, and redacted.

I have always found the book by Dr. Marcus Borg Reading the Bible Again For the First Time, with the subtitle Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally, a very useful guide for acquiring a better understanding of what to make of the Bible. It is written in language and in a style that is not overly academic and I accessible.

I am planning, in coordination with the Board of Deacons, to do an eight session series, starting on September 22 in the Parlor in Emerson Center. We will gather after the worship service after a short coffee break. We plan on having coffee and a bite to eat available in the Parlor as well.


Jim Barnes has ordered ten copies of the book which is available on Amazon in three formats. The Kindle and paperback editions cost around $14.00 and will be available soon at the church office on a first come first serve basis. You are naturally welcome to order your own copy. Please read the first 29 pages of this book for the first gathering. If you would like to participate but find the cost of book prohibitive, please contact me and we will provide you with a copy.


I look forward to journey with you as we are guided by Borg to explore the Bible, a fascinating, rich, and relevant collection of books.

I hope to see you at Homecoming on Sunday and on September 22 at the Bible study.




Join us for worship!

Sundays at 9:30 am

 In-person or via Zoom

The Congregational Church of Topsfield
9 East Common Street
Topsfield, MA 01983
Phone: (978) 887-2101
General email:

Useful links

The Church Office is in the Emerson Center at 9 East Common St. across from the Town Common.

Office hours are

Mon. – Fri. 10 AM – 1 PM and by appointment.

Summer Office hours are

Tues. - Thurs. - 10 AM - 1 PM and by appointment


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